These are my texts, my maps, my tools. Most were given or recommended to me. Ultimately I take my own steps into this wilderness, but these books, podcasts, and articles are informing and influencing my reflection, meditation, and action. I am finding many correspondences. Primary themes include love, self-love, relationships, a focus on the present and being present, and mindfulness. The mind, body, and spirit work (or can work) together. Healing encompasses much more than cell repair, and is something anyone can actively participate in. In fact, the best use of any wisdom found here is when you are healthy! Why start with a deficit? You don't have to have a serious illness to benefit. My approach is to be open-minded, and take the best from each; by "best" I mean what makes sense and feels right for me.
From Stage IV to Center Stage, by Denise DeSimone.
Healing into Life and Death, by Stephen Levine.
Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm, by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Love, Medicine & Miracles, by Bernie S. Siegel, MD.
Grace and Grit, by Ken Wilber.
When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, by Pema Chodron.
On Being with Krista Tippett (radio show and podcast)
The Good Death by Mary Talbot in Aeon Magazine.
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